Ask Andrew Braunberg to sum up the history of whiskey in Texas in three words, and his response is: “Shot, beer chaser.” He follows up with: “The saloons of the day liked to keep their options simple.”Braunberg’s book, Fires, Floods, Explosions, and Bloodshed: A History of Texas Whiskey (State House Press), released on May 11, delivers an exceedingly thorough, frequently entertaining account of the Lone Star State’s little-known but seminal role in the domestic whiskey industry.Braunberg; his wife, Lisa; and four others founded Still Austin Whiskey Co., a grain-to-glass distillery, in 2017. A longtime Scotch drinker, Braunberg was intrigued by the American craft distilling movement, which led him to transition from his career as a cybersecurity analyst. One of his primary roles at the distillery…
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